Tuesday, July 12, 2011

#Day 3 : 10 things you hate

  1. i hate waiting for someone for more than 10 mins!!
  2. i hate reading..huhu.far more better for someone to read me the story rather than me doing it.i may fall asleep=p
  3. hate someone who judge people on what they have done(whether it is wright or wrong).kita manusia y sering berubah n y sering buat salah.consistency is not in our gene!ADMIT IT!
  4. hate someone who doesnt know how to say sorry n thanks.every fight whether it is small or big one,both sides have their own faults.no matter how big or how small your fault is.rather than u put the blame on 1 side,why dont u sit back and reflect yourself asking what is his/her fault and what is yours..and LEARN from that!
  5. who talk behind my back.x yah nak guna alasan nanti aku marah because i may get more bloated with hatred if u talk behind me.just say it straight face-to-face.senang,cepat,mudah,tangkas dan dewasa..=) but ofkos in the polite way la.tunjuk sikit mana budi bahasa kau..kalau aku xpaham2 bahasa gak,ko nak hangin marah2 1 badan 2 masuk akal la jugak kan..haha
  6. politics.urghh!!lagi nak paham,lagi aku pening kepala.
  7. orang y berpuak2.ko geng ak,ngam ngan kepala ak,so ke mana sahaja kite kne bersama.(ini x apa la lagi) tp bile puak lain buat party atau y sewaktu dengannya,kau malas merungut2 nak pergi.malas nak layan katanye..mls nk cmpur....hmmm...aku dulu pon cmni gak..alhamdulillah ak realize cepat betapa bughoknye perangai aku y 1 ni dulu..hahaha...sekarang kne lebih open n berhati2=)
  8. xsuka lipas,cicak n tikus dalam bilik.geli geleman den..=p
  9. i hate YOU because u always look back in anger.duduk lah kau kat takut lama 2.t hujan ribut datang,takut dah terbalik,terkapai2 kau berenang.time 2 aku tengok je dari atas darat.baru kau tau ucap maaf.
  10. i hate myself.i mean the bad side of mine.


Cik Purple said...

okeh.. tak ape yunk..:D hihi~~ besa la tuh..:)takpe nti infom jea kat sy k:)thanks awk..

Zie Madini said...

i hate waiting for someone for more than 10 mins!! <,-- YUP, me too! hate kan..